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Corrective Actions Response
Independently Contracted Audit (27340)
Audit ID#  27340
Audit Type:  Cooling/Cold Storage v03.01
Audit Score:  88%
Audit Started:  01/28/2004 10:10
Audit Finished:  01/28/2004 12:30
Auditor Name:  Galen Frantz
Entity List:  Customer:
      Contact: Gary Hinton
Produce List:  Strawberries

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Severity Level: B -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.2.1 Are copies of all Materials Safety Data Sheets (detergents, sanitizers, pesticides, etc.) on file and fully accessible at all times with clear indexes?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Lubricants and hydraulic fluid MSDS are missing.
Severity Level: B -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.3.1 Is there a written pest control program, including a copy of the contract with the extermination company, vendor license and insurance documents?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Service agreement was missing; other documents were OK.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.2.9 Are all pest control devices properly installed and secured?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: One bait station turned from wall.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.3.7 Are all storage areas clean (including product and packaging)? This includes areas where ice is stored.
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Low paper trash on floor in package storage.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.7.4 Are all tools, utensils, and other items not being used stored clean and in a manner to prevent contamination?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Brooms were stored head down.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.2 Has the facility eliminated or controlled any potential metal, glass or plastic contamination issues?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Loading lights are partially shielded; bulbs are not shatterproof.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.3 Has the facility eliminated the use of wooden items or surfaces?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Broom handles.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.6 Are doors to the outside pest proof?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Few gaps under doors.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.10 Is an 18" perimeter being maintained in the facility and a 14" space between every other row?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Perimeter is being maintained in most areas, but not in carton storage.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.12 Are control measures being implemented for the storage of pallets, equipment, tires, etc. (e.g. out of the mud, stacked to prevent pest harborage, away from building perimeter)?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Planks stored against interior wall; old sign leaning against outside wall.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.15 Are outside garbage receptacles/dumpsters kept covered or closed?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Most outside containers were covered; dumpster was not.
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.1.3 Is testing of recall procedures (including trace back) performed and documented annually? Can the company identify where affected product was sent/
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: No
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.2.3 Is there a chemical inventory/usage log?
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: No
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.4.4 Are there equipment calibration records for scales, pH meters, ORP meters, thermometers, etc.?
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: No calibration records for coolers thermometers.
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.4.6 Are there inspection logs on incoming carriers for rodents and insects, cleanliness, holes and temperature control?
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: Log is in place, but no records have been recorded.
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.5.2 Is there a log of maintenance work or repairs ordered and is it signed off on work completed?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Invoices for contracted maintenance are available for work done on facilities and forklifts. Day-to-day maintenance is not recorded.
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.5.4 Are there written cleaning procedures for the facility and all equipment?
Answer: Major Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Procedures for cleaning restrooms are OK. No procedures have been written for the remainder of the facility.
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.5.5 Are sanitation logs on file?
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: No
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.6.2 Are there logs of ongoing employee education sessions with topics covered and attendees?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Records from some sessions were not kept.
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.7.1 Are there records of equipment microbiological testing?
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: No
Severity Level: C -  Food Safety File Requirements
Question 2.7.2 Are there records of facility microbiological testing?
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: No
Audit Representative Contact Details
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