Corrective Actions completed
Corrective Actions Response
Independently Contracted Audit (135948)
Audit ID#  135948
Audit Type:  Cooling and Cold Storage v08.06
Audit Score:  96%
Audit Started:  12/16/2010 09:00
Audit Finished:  12/16/2010 11:30
Auditor Name:  Steven Hoak
Entity List:  Customer:
      Contact: Gary Hinton
Produce List:  Strawberries, Squash, Beans, Snap, Blueberries, Peppers

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Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.4.1 Are all exposed materials (product, packaging etc.) protected from overhead contamination (e.g. ladders, motors, condensation, lubricants, walkways, loose panels, degrading insulation, etc.)?
Answer: Major Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Attention to the blown insulation in coolers that is subject to degradation.
Answer:  We will partially complete or not complete corrective action(s)
Comments: As of Jan. 1, 2010, the blown insulation is inspected daily to monitor degradation. We have also implemented an SOP to follow should we experience any overhead contamination. The insulation is also painted yearly as a part of our preventative maintenance program.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.6.3 Does equipment design and condition (e.g. smooth surfaces, smooth weld seams, non-toxic materials, no wood) facilitate effective cleaning and maintenance?
Answer: Major Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Attention to wooden guides in forced air coolers used for keeping pallets straight.
Answer:  We will fully complete the corrective action(s) by 09/01/2011 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Comments: The wooden guides in the forced air coolers will be removed completely.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.1 Are all lights in the production, product storage areas, packaging storage areas and maintenance shops intact and protected?
Answer: Major Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Dock lights and about 10% of the lights on forklifts were not protected.
Answer:  We have fully completed the corrective action(s)
Comments: All unprotected lights have been replaced with protected ones. The unprotected lights have been disposed of and we will no longer purchase any unprotected lights.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.8 Are doors to the outside pest proof?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Doors have cracks, which can allow pests to enter the facility.
Answer:  We will fully complete the corrective action(s) by 03/01/2011 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Comments: We will replace and/or add seals to exterior doors in order to seal doors completely.
Severity Level: C -  Good Manufacturing Practices
Question 1.9.11 Are exterior walls free of holes to exclude pests? Are pipes, vents, air ducts designed and protected in order to prevent pest entry e.g. by using fine mesh?
Answer: Minor Deficiency
Auditor Notes: Attention to holes in the walls of the dry storage area.
Answer:  We will fully complete the corrective action(s) by 05/01/2011 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Comments: We will thoroughly examine this area of the facility utilizing a light differential test to determine if there are any holes along the base of the building. If a hole is found, it will be repaired immediately in order to maintain the integrity of the building.
Severity Level: C -  Food Security
Question 3.1.1 Are the facility external areas and vulnerable entry points (i.e. those that are not permanently locked) surrounded by security fencing?
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: No. The facility does not have security fencing.
Answer:  We will partially complete or not complete corrective action(s)
Comments: All entry points are either locked or human monitored at all times. We will not add security fencing to the property due to cost.
Severity Level: C -  New Questions ( Not part of overall Food Safety percentage)
Question 5.1.7 Are all cuts and wounds covered with waterproof detectable blue bandages (Band Aids) that contain a metal strip?
Answer: Non-Compliance
Auditor Notes: No. Blue bandages with metal strips are not being used.
Answer:  We have fully completed the corrective action(s)
Comments: All bandages have been replaced with waterproof detectable blue bandages that contain a metal strip.
Audit Representative Contact Details
Author's Name: Jacob Raburn
Company Position: Food Safety Director
Phone Number: 813-763-2968
Email Address: